What if you could get from first touch
to sale
in a single session?
Most of your customers wander for weeks
between “check this out” and checkout.
CITIA’s multi-touch platform lets you build mobile first,
cross channel content that drives up engagement and shortens the path to purchase.

"Finally full funnel marketing!"
Capture, engage and convert your
customer's attention
from everywhere
Create mobile-first, snackable
content in minutes
Publish it instantly, everywhere—on your ad units, social feeds, landing pages, and website
Monitor interactions and collect data across channels, in real time
Optimize based on performance to drive the behavior you want

Finally, you can work the whole funnel,
not just the bottom 10%
Get better ROAS and
speed-to-peak sales, today.
UP TO 90%
Bringing DIY to business!
No-coding. Drag and drop. Anyone can now make beautiful content 1X and use it everywhere.
the results
Delightful UI-- Makes your engagement numbers go through the roof!
76% average view-through
on card decks
18% average share rate
UP TO 80%
time saved
Avoid the IT bottleneck.
Instant publishing and metrics.
Use the workflow and tools you already know.

Using Citia's system also creates simple uniform metrics.
That helps keep your team and company flatter, interoperable and AI-ready.
And is there a simpler way to do customization at scale?